I declared RSS bankruptcy last night, marked the 5,000+ articles which were unread in NetNewsWire as read, and revelled in the manageable flow of new posts.
Such a great decision.
Great post by Matt Genmell on why we should give ourselves permission to write shorter, less weighty posts in blogs.
Some of this is down to platform design: micro.blog and Tumblr encourage short posts in a way that, say, Wordpress doesn’t.
I’m really looking forward to seeing what comes of City’s Creatives in Residence scheme.
This is an interesting read: it appears that a seratonin deficiency might not be the key cause of depression after all.
I have 300 open tabs on my iPad. Tonight, I wage war on them.
(By “wage war” I mean “read and decide if I’m going to blog about them”, of course.)
“This is a community that literally invented the term “rules lawyer.” WotC simply didn’t realize how literally that would be taken.”
I know their days are numbered, but nothing quite beats a free charge at the station while you’re up in London.

Lovely to see some blue sky again today. It’s been a hard January, and this was the lift I needed this afternoon.

Ivory has won promotion to my iPad dock…

So, this post proved more controversial than I expected.
I expected pushback on my warning about TikTok. What I didn’t expect was how attached some people are to their spreadsheets of SEO keywords…
Ivory from Tapbots is now on the App Store.
Trying it out now for my Mastodon needs…