I can’t quite bring myself to delete my last copy of Twitterific. I’ll do it soon, but it still saddens me. The final end of an era that once brought me great joy.
Interesting set of links from Alex Roddie.
“We need somehow to press the reset button, and completely rethink how we see our relationship with the earth. We need to reinvent ourselves as collaborators rather than conquerors.”
— from The Circling Sky by Neil Ansell 📚
Started reading: The Circling Sky by Neil Ansell 📚
Finished reading: Failure is an Option by Matt Whyman 📚
Somewhere in all that is my eldest, preparing to sing her heart out.

I first came here 23 years ago, and saw Peter Gabriel’s OVO as part of the millennium dome exhibition.
My first time back at the Dome in maybe 15 years. Last time I was here, it was to see Pink as a birthday treat for my wife.

Wow. The new micro.blog homepage is a massive improvement.
It’s official. Third party Twitter apps are dead.
Not a surprise given the events of the last week — but still a spectacularly shitty way to treat developers, some of whom have been working with you for 15 years.
I just don’t understand why people think £250 for Airpods Pro - single user devices, with a lifespan of a few years - is fine, but £299 for a HomePod, a whole household device that will last half a decade or more, is not.