The time has come to…

Twelfth night, so saying farewell to our mighty wee tree.

Just survived the slightly nerve-wracking process of upgrading my Mastodon server to 4.0.2. All went smoothly, and it’s up and running again.


That kind of a day.

Here’s my top 10 posts of 2022 from my work blog.

Interesting that the journalism world is really interested in the fall of social media and the rise of newsletters.

Probably our last festive activity of this Christmas season.

Family lightsabre action.

A man and a yoing girl fighting with toy lightsabres.

A sticker on my laptop, back in 2010. I’d love a 2022 version of this (although I doubt it would come from big-in-Japan Six Apart these days…)

A “We Love Blog” sticker from Six Apart in 2010.

New Year’s Day walk with the extended family.

Tinworths walking on Wandsworth Common

Happy New Year from (a house in) London!

The wisdom of @patrickrhone spreads.

“Hello, I’ve got a burning desire to go somewhere online where groups of people will complete to tell me how I should think and behave, while judging me for every little transgression.”

“Have I got great news for you! Have you ever heard of a little app called…


Matt Buck compiled some great links and videos to mark the passing of satirist John Bird.

Home from midnight Mass: 12.30am

Girls up: 6.30am


Midnight Mass, Church of the Good Shepherd, Shoreham Beach.

The altar at the Church of the Good Shepherd.

Crib service in 15 minutes…

My daughters will be playing the roles of “Magus” and “innkeeper”.

Newsletter delivery via RSS has a name.

It’s called blogging.

This is literally what we were doing in 2005.

Yes. Yes, I do.

Started reading: The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell 📚

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