1. My coffee addiction made itself manifest today. I felt absolutely terrible until about 11.30am, when I had my first cup of coffee. After that. I became a human. Only two cups per day for the rest of the week, and then only one cup each day next week. I shall be buying some herbal teas this lunchtime.

  2. I dreamt about an ex-girlfriend becoming a vampire the other night. The strange thing is that this was an ex-girlfriend from about 9 years ago, whom I've barely thought about for 3 or 4 years. Strange and slightly disturbing but ultimately meaningless, I suspect

  3. While I didn't get done all the spring cleaning I wanted to get done over the weekend, I've done enough that I'm happy to show Lorna the flat again tonight, when she gets back to London. Flat cleaning is much like painting the Forth Rail Bridge - you never finish.