A while ago, I started a project I called Film Finis. The idea was to use up all the remaining photographic film I had, enoy myself while doing so, and then switch to an all-digital future. I kinda got side-tracked with other things over the last six months, but finally, I'm going on it again. The image above is from a film I shot over a couple of weekends around Shoreham-by-Sea. In fact, it was shot on the very same walk that produced these images.

And…it is fun. It's really strange now not being able to look at the image after I've taken it; to just trust that the image has been captured. And it makes you more of a sniper - you pick and choose which images to take, rather than scattershotting, knowing you can delete anything that doesn't come up to scratch later. It's good discipline, which I need to bring back to my digital photography.