Online lecture mode.

I have survived six hours of lectures via Zoom with my sanity largely intact.

(My wife suggests there is evidence to the contrary.)

Iris loves her piano lessons, but I suspect she enjoys playing with Snufkin more…

Half an hour by the sea

Chose a different spot down by the harbour arm today. I’m tucked into a wee hollow, with the structure of the arm itself sheltering me from what is a bitterly cold wind.

I’m still wearing a fleece and a gillet, though. It is bitter this afternoon. We even had a flurry of snow earlier, but I’d be amazed if we see any settle this far south.

Chillin' by the harbour arm.

I love this time on a Wednesday.

“People claim they enjoy winter, but what they really mean is they enjoy winter as a livener, a cobweb-blower-away, a quick flirt with the elements before resorting to their real love, central heating.”

From: The Wood by John Lewis-Stempel 📚

I suspect that this is the first time I’ve worn this gilet since the autumn, given that I just found this in the pocket…

A conker being held in a man's hand.

So did you know it was World Rewilding Day? I didn’t until just now…

Pity. This is such an important and misunderstood issue.

An unusual beach find today.

A slice of grapefruit on a shingle beach.

Watcher on the bridge.

A carving of a mythological creature on Holborn viaduct, London.

Perfect commuting reading…

Oh, hurrah. Discord is finally Apple Silicon native.

The house in the woods…

Gmail of the Beast

It was a great sunset yesterday. 🌅

Sunset over boats on the river Adur.

Just playing around with Glass. Anyone out there using it?

Here’s my profile.

Best hag stone discovery in a while.

A hag stone - a stone with a hole through it - on Shoreham Beach.

Very mixed feelings about the new edition of Hunter: the Reckoning. I’m glad it’s back, but part of me is sad that while the themes and some of the language are back, the actual Hunters of the original, which I did a lot of writing work for and loved doing so, are not.