Well, the panic buying is clearly still happening. This is Waitrose in Worthing a few hours ago - toilet paper and paracetamol sold out.

Post-Nature Tots babychino from the Woods Mill café.

After school beach club.

Spectacular sunset as storm clouds approached this evening.

This made me chuckle:

I was doing some site analysis for a client, when it occurred to me that I’d never registered my micro.blog account for search console, or anything like that. So I did. And then I ran it through Page Speed Insights.

Well played, @manton. Well played indeed.

A day of exploring with my girls. Making progress on a long walk.

Iris is having an artistic moment.

The girls appear unimpressed by my efforts to get them to go for a walk in the face of Storm Dennis

Watching the boats on the Adur rise as high tide approaches.

Plain old driftwood.

Beach sign

Actually getting out of the house to work – it’s far too rare at the moment.

After Ciara

This was the garden at 8am this morning, after the worst of Storm Ciara had passed:

Garden mess after storm ciara

Not too bad, although things aren’t looking great for the potted Christmas tree.

I was planning to sort this out around lunchtime, as a work break. But I ended up legging it to my daughter’s school in a hurry, to take her her water bottle before she went into class. And, as I had my coat and boots on anyway,…

Tidying in the storm's wake

20 minutes of quick tidying (and refilling the bird feeders) later:

My garden, tidied after Storm Ciara

We got off lightly, despite being in a coastal AND river location. We’re pretty luck about how sheltered we are from weather coming off the sea. (Gales blowing down off the Downs and along the Audr are a different matter entirely). In fact, much of the Quay is looking surprisingly tidy, and many of out neighhbours have been out sweeping and tidying. All very minor.

Others have not been so lucky.

Laterns above the Adur

The Shoreham Light Parade

Beach plant.

Plant on Shoreham Beach

One of the nice things about Shoreham Beach is that, as a protected and rare habitat, we get a good range of plant life, even in winter.

Gnome Hide

In a hole in a tree there lived a gnome

Spot the children’s beginning reading book.


My daughters watching the ducks on Wakehurst Pond


The family watching a video at the Millenium Seed Bank