I am Captain Scrumpy: official


The BBC's wholesale ripping exercise…

You may have read in the past week that the BBC is in the process of digitising it's entire radio archive with a view to putting the whole thing on-line, which is pretty amazing. 

via feelinglistless.blogspot.com

Really? Uh, wow.

Apparently it is true. Exciting stuff.

This is how a movement dies…

We’ve heard rumblings that MTV’s /quotes/zigman/393425/quotes/nls/via VIA -3.99%  “Real World“ is scouting people between the ages of 20 and 24 for a series with an Occupy Wall Street theme.

In another sign that Occupy Wall Street is ripe for exploitation, there is actually a website called Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street .

Further, the Associated Press has noted that some in the movement are attempting to trademark the phrase “Occupy Wall Street.” Some of the leaders “filed an application Oct. 24 to trademark the name of their movement with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.” The source of the information was one of the group’s lawyers.

via www.marketwatch.com

Hot Chicks of OWS is actually entertaining, in a very primitive, blokey way. But the rest just goes to show how hard it is to keep a movement political rather than commercial these days…

[via Kevin]

Why (phone) size matters

One big advantage of a 3.5-inch display: with average-size hands, your thumb can reach any pixel on screen more comfortably while holding the phone one-handed. Judging from my email, many proponents of bigger screens — those who are disappointed that the iPhone 4S doesn’t sport a 4-inch display — see no such trade-off. Bigger is better, period, they say, and anyone who says otherwise is in denial that Apple is falling behind its competition. But by that logic, 5-inch screens would be better than 4-inch ones, and 6-inch screens better still. That’s silly. Bigger is not necessarily better for handheld/pocket devices.

via daringfireball.net


WANT #2: the affordable version

via thegirloutdoors.co.uk

The whole Baggins thing in in, in, in this year…

WANT: Treehouse office

via www.shedworking.co.uk

I want to work here so badly that it hurts

Men being jerks about coffee

via www.youtube.com

When will those crazy gals ever get anything right?

via www.cutesexyfunnyawful.com

Luckily this problem has been solved in the 21st century.

I make my own damn coffee. ;-)

Ah, Princess...

via superpunch.blogspot.com

Ah, Princess from Battle of the Planets. One of my earliest crushes before (a) I knew what a crush was and (b) realised that it was a bit weird having a crush on a cartoon character.

Some great posters from classic kids' stuff on that site…

[via Mr Whatley]

OK Muppets, Go

via www.youtube.com


Promoting this, which is great.

Sharing your photos with posterity #1

via www.youtube.com

Intriguing idea. I have a whole bunch of family photos - probably three generations worth - to scan and share. This looks like one place to start.

Amongst the fields...

image from https://addersdotblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/9a06d-6a00d8341da3af53ef015434545fa6970c-pi.jpg

Dealing with gang social media culture…

So this is the challenge to RSA Fellows: As well as wanting to use Fellowship as a way of making the world a better place, you are innovative and many of you experts in social media. How about a group of Fellows putting together a Catalyst bid for seed funding to develop a social enterprise addressing this issue and offering services to local and police authorities? Such a bid could seek to engage the support and skills of staff in our John Adam Street Projects team who are expert in social network mapping.

via www.matthewtaylorsblog.com

I'm a Fellow. I know a thing or two about social media. It's a great idea for a project.

Do I have time…?


Should a Snow Lion be preferable...

There are also a couple of changes that long time OS X users might find irksome: no indication of what apps are running in the Dock, and "natural" scrolling.

via www.scottexplains.com

Noted here for my own reference if these two things drive me crazy.

A good woman...uh...lizard...uh....

via www.postmodernbarney.com

Never have a couple of characters from Doctor Who deserved a spin off series more than these two.

No Full Series of Doctor Who for 2012

The reputable journalist Lizo Mzimba has reported the following:

There will not be a full series of Dr Who in 2012! BBC confirms that BBC One Controller said this earlier today.

via www.combom.co.uk

Commence panic and fez-wearing now.

Christmas with Baggins

Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit" movies have been given official release dates and titles. The first will open Dec. 14, 2012, as "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," and the second will be released on Dec. 13, 2013, as "The Hobbit: There and Back Again."

via www.variety.com


Spoilers Gonna Spoil

Spoilers are called “spoilers” for a reason, people: when leaked too early, they spoil.

via www.kasterborous.com


Respecting space, here and abroad

But having been away from France for some years, what struck me afresh was the sense of generalised respect in the public realm. When you go into a shop, you say bonjour, and merci au'voir when you leave. When you sit down on a train or get into a lift, likewise you acknowledge the Other. This was emphasised with perfect clarity for me on the train home, as a loud party of Brits got on at Avignon, oblivious to the way they disrupted others' space. I'm inclined to agree with Schofield, the French really are more socially-minded, and there are things we should be thinking about.

via neighbourhoods.typepad.com

I noticed the same thing while in France the week before last.

I find the increasing lack of respect for people's space in British culture a challenge - surely on such a tiny island, the ability to respect others' space is necessary to a well-functioning society?

La France: Day One

Just chillin' at my brother’s place in France.

Life on Lee High Road

Top 10 Things To Do In The Borough Of Lewisham

I'm busy selling my flat on Lee High Road, because the time has come for us to move on to a different phase of our lives. But this post reminds me of the great things you can find around Lee High Road and the surrounding streets.

Pretty much what drew me to the area in my mid-20s.


 via www.flickr.com

Been using Camera+ on my iPhone over the last few days, and getting some really great results with it.

Really pleased with this one of the Shard, taken from London Bridge's newly-roofless bus station.

MOAR Archers!

I'm one of the two scriptwriters from The Archers team who have been working on a spin-off from the main programme. 'Ambridge Extra' will launch on BBC Radio 4 Extra (the new version of Radio 7) in the first week of April.

The idea is that you'll be able to hear more stories from in and around Ambridge, and also we'll be able to go further afield with Archers-related characters.

via www.bbc.co.uk


Eight Years on one blog…

This is the 2,885th post to this blog - which means I've added 317 posts over the last year. That's slightly below my yearly average of 360.6. But it's not the start of a decline. I imagine blogging is here to stay for a very long time to come, and I'm convinced I'll be blogging here, in some form or another, right into my dotage...

via www.onemanandhisblog.com

Eight years. Eight years.

How has that time passed so fast?

A hint of spring in the air

 via www.flickr.com

This winter has felt far too long, and that's despite spending three weeks in Florida in the middle of it.

I'm going to record ever hint of Spring I can find to cheer myself up.

How Vampires Lost Their Fangs

Vampires may be popular, but they've paid a terrible price for it. Simply put, they're not scary any more. They're not monsters, at least not in the traditional sense. And so, having been de-fanged (as it were), they've been shoved to a different place in the cultural marketplace while center stage for monsters has been claimed by an entirely different species of undead: zombies.

via www.escapistmagazine.com

Once vampires start sparkling, they aren't monsters any more...