Rural Weddings

Vox Hunt: This One's For The Kids

Books:  Show us a great children's book.

Wind in the Willows
Kenneth Grahame
Poop! Poop!

You can take your schoolboy wizards and your furry-toed hobbits. Ratty, Badger, Mole and, of course, Toad are the finest creatures on the planet.

Chocolate Rain: annoying earworm

"Chocolate Rain" Original Song by Tay Zonday
I heard about this from a podcast, couldn't figure out why everyone was raving about it.

And then, two days later, I found myself singing it.

Now you, too, can have this exciting experience!

QotD: First Crush

How old were you when you had your very first boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you still know them now? 
Submitted by KIM

I was a late starter. I sorta dated a girl called Jo when I was 17, but I didn't really start dating properly until Jennifer when I was 19.

And I'm not in contact with any of my ex-girlfriends at all. Not a great believer in "can't we just stay friends?"


My Sad, Lamentable Taste in Music

Vox Hunt: And All The Colors

Show us a rainbow. 
Submitted by Amy - Sister Brown Hair Surprise.  

Vintage QotD: Here Comes The Bride

What was the last wedding you went to?  Were you in the wedding?

John & Anita's wedding a few months back. And no, I had no role at all which was blissful. After being the wedding photographer at a couple of hitchings, it was nice just to take it easy.


A silly pic of Dad and I taken by Mum back in 2001.

And us in a men of destiny pose:

My Great-Grandma

Another one from the family archives, shot in October 1983:

Saturday Afternoon in Multicultural Lewisham

The Friday Afternoon Feeling

Apparently, British firms are losing £50m, because people are taking Friday afternoons off, on the sly.

You'll never catch that happening here, oh, no:

Two Great 70s Tastes - That Taste Better Together!

Keith Chegwin and The Wurzels!

Wurzels - "The Tractor Song"

Drivin' Along in my (cardboard) Automobile

Cardboard cars

Christopher Walken cooks Chicken with Pears

Chicken with Pears
The mind boggles.

Still, the man's a good cook. 

QotD: My Strongest Summer Memory

What will you remember most about this summer?

August has only just begun! There's at least a month left for making cool summer memories!

Really. Vox is becoming terribly premature...

The Charity Shop Racks

The staple of any charity shop: romance novels and tatty fantasy series.

Why do these two classes of books turn up in these shops with such frequency?

I suppose it's something to do with their target audience being voracious readers, who don't put any value in the books themselves once they're done with them.

Pulp clearly lives...


One of a group of photos I shot, while fruitlessly searching for a butterfly, as instructed by a recent Vox Hunt:

QotD: School Sports

What were the sports or games you played in high school or college? 
Submitted by Stephen.  

I was a serious fencer at school. The picture above isn't of me - it was taken by me sometime in the late 80s, when I was spending most of my weekends at various fencing competitions or team trainings for the Scottish Youth Squad, where I fought in the Epee team...

Here's another pic, showing what must have been one of the early uses of the electric hit registering system for sabre. The metallic piste on the floor was an integral part of the circuit:

QotD: Stress Case

People do many different things to cope with stress, loss, and "bumps in the road". How do you handle stress and hard times? 
Submitted by RedlyGal

Cinema Mismanagement

So, on Friday night, Lorna and I went to the cinema. Boy, that was a mistake.

The cinema, the Odeon Greenwich, had decided to go back to back for the opening of Transformers either to "meet customer demand" or "make more money". Well, they may have succeeded in the latter, but they failed badly in the former. By the time we arrived at the cinema to collect our pre-booked 9.30pm showing tickets, the queue to get up to the screens was looped right around the circular building. Staff were surly and evasive when asked what was going on, and it took us three separate attempts to discover the back-to-back thing wasn't working very well for them, and all the screenings had fallen behind.

We finally got into the cinema well after 10pm, to find dirty seats and an unpleasantly aromatic cinema. And when the film started, 10% of it was on the side wall, not the screen itself. Several members of the audience had to go and complain before this was sorted out.

Oh, and when we emerged, the women's loo had run out of toilet paper.

Congratulations Odeon. We, after half a decade of using your cinema regularly, will never be darkening your doors again. If that's how you treat paying customers, I won't be a customer of yours any more.