QotD: Shaken not stirred
What's your favorite drink or cocktail? What's in it?
Question submitted by charm.vox.com
Whisky. With nothing in it.
Ok, I might be prepared to put it on ice when it's this hot.
Scottish whiskey for choice.
Irish whiskey for quantity drinking.
American whiskey for lighting the BBQ.
Other whiskies for stripping paint.
QotD: Midway Through
What's one thing that you hope to do or accomplish before the end of this year?
Finish redeveloping the flat, sell it and be living outside the M25 by Christmas.
And I don't just hope to do this; I need to do this.
Science and Faith
I don't often blog about my faith any more, but with all the hoo-hah about Bush and stem cells, I would just like to repeat a quote I think is central to my world view as a Christian:
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
Albert Einstein
Bit Warm
As I was driving to Heathrow last night to pick up a couple of friends, my car indicated that the temperature had hit 36°C. Ouch. The Evening Standard confirmed it later: the hottest recorded day in London.
Luckily, perhaps, our friends live in Florida, and are used to far worse than the worst London offers us.
(I was going to post this last night, but Flickr was "having a massage". And we all know what that euphemism means…)
QotD: Celebrational Muppetational!
Who is your favorite Muppet? Why?
QotD submitted by knitwitology.vox.com.
It has to be Kermit the Frog. Waaaay back in the early 90s, when I was editing a student magazine, we had a chart on the wall comparing each member of staff to a muppet. I was, of course, Kermit: the good natured, but over-stressed guy at the heart of the production, trying to keep his eccentric team focused and directed.
And rarely succeeding.
The amusing thing is that the wonderful woman who is now my wife was nicknamed Miss Piggy by her family when she was much, much younger…
Away from the centre
It's the little, subtle things that tell you that you've moved away from the centre of London. Today, for example, I popped to Sutton Post Office to post some eBay and Amazon sales to the their buyers.
When I arrived the queue was about 10 people long. "Phew," I thought. "Nice and quick."
That was Central London Adam talking. Maybe I was lulled into a delusion by the fact I'm still within the M25, but it caught me with surpirse when each of those 10 people was served with a leisurely care that would have done Suffolk proud.
I have a little adjusting still to do.
Join Vox (part deux)
I've just received an invitation to join Vox.
It must be from when I signed up as "interested" months ago.
QotD: Weekend Wrap-Up
What did you do this weekend?
That was one busy weekend. Friday night saw us doing some frantic flat-tidying, before we headed to Mum's place in Suffolk, arriving after midnight. As we were unloading the car, Jaspar, one of the neighbour's cats, came and inspected us. Turns out that the poor thing was lonely. His owners are away for a wee while. If I'd known, I'd have given him a stroke.
Saturday morning was frantic shopping, Saturday afternoon driving to Cley Next The Sea for a friend's wedding. The do itself was a lovely, relaxed affair, with an adult-grade bouncey castle and a very casual feel. We boogied until about 10.30, before setting out on the two-hour drive back to Mum's. Yes, I know, an early night, but at least we outstayed most of the people with kids.
Sunday was a rest and do chores day. I mowed the lawns and did some shopping, while Lorna scrubbed our car from top to bottom. We than had a BBQ in the back garden, and sat around trying to find an excuse not to head back to London. Having failed, we set out at around 9.40pm, finally getting home around midnight.
And that was the weekend that was,
Qotd: Have a Question?
We're going meta today: What questions would you'd like to see become QoTDs?
This is slightly random, but I'd like to see more picture challenges, like the digital archive one from a few days ago. That was by far the most interesting QotD so far. Maybe you could have a Picture otD alongside the QotD, if that's not overkill.
Desk clearing (still) in progress
Another busy day's desk clearing at EG today. One more day, and I should be free to take up residence at RBI central full time.
Spent a little chunk of the day fiddling around with Movable Type 3.3 on my own blog, trying to get a feel of how it operates, and how I'm going to set things up for our bloggers. The single feature I'm probably most excited by is the Widget Manager, although the activity feeds may well be invaluable, too. Exciting, exciting.
I'd have liked to have spent longer playing, but the sooner I clear my desk, the sooner I can go full time on the new project. Humbug.
You've been playing too much WoW when...
I popped into Procter Street this afternoon to sort through some stuff, and found a letter from a firm called UBS.
My mind immediatly read that as UBRS.
It may be time for a WoW break...
QotD: Dream a little Dream
What's the most recent vivid dream or nightmare that you remember?
Most of the most vivid dreams I've had have been, uh, rude. And I forget my nighmares.
I'm not being very helpful here, am I?
One weekend, one man, one woman, many paintbrushes
As my father might have said, tonight, I have wanker's cramp. Not, you understand, for the activities the name suggests. No, it's because I've spent around 8 hours decorating the internal and external halls and I'm tired.
Lorna and I are on our (hopefully) final push to get the flat finished and on the market by the autumn. We've been putting off doing the external hall because it's an awkaward, tall, Victorian space that's difficult to get to (we used a tall ladder and the pateted "roller on a stick" appraoch) and because it suffered some water damaged while the roof was being replaced.
After a hard weekend's work, it's all done bar a final coat and some carpeting. Very satisfied.
Digital Photo Relics
What's the oldest digital camera photo you have on your computer? When is it from? Let's see it!
I dug through iPhoto, and this is the oldest pic I have that was taken on a digital camera, rather than scanned from film. It's my mum, in her kitchen, taken a few hours after I bought my first digital camera in Halesworth in Suffolk, back in October 2001.
I've got a lovely set of photos taken of Lorna and Mum in Snape Maltings that weekend that were the first real trial of my digital camera. Four and a half years on, I can't image going back to film, especially since I bought a digital SLR 18 months ago.