Did a democracy. Took my daughters - this will be the first general election that they really remember.

A man and two children are smiling for a selfie in front of a building with polling station opening times posted on the door.

Blimey. As the other social networks pull away from journalist, Mastodon is embracing it — and even Threads might be warming up to it again.

Interesting times.

(Paradigm shifts always are…)

This is a pitch for a Doctor Who episode, not a useful journalism notification…

A notification from The Telegraph states that Ed Miliband is preparing to wage a wind-powered war on the British countryside.

Why didn’t the 100,000 strong march to restore nature get more coverage?

The suggested answer is depressing: the protestors were too well-behaved.

Escaping tech’s boom/doom cycle requires a nuanced view of risk/reward.

And the global south has something to teach us here.

Guess which party standing in the UK general election made no commitment to do anything about the sewage going into our rivers and seas?

I bet you can guess

Things are busy in growing corner.

Several pots with seedlings growing and a pine cone are arranged near a door on a balcony.

This is the week when the UK changes.

But we’ve very little idea of what it will become…

Shoreham Beach, Sunday 30th June

A vast, calm ocean stretches under a cloudy sky, with two people standing in the shallow water near a pebble-covered beach.

Church Times reporting on a new CoE report on trust and trustworthiness:

Social media is also touched on in a section on access to information, with the warning that, “through our indiscriminate use of social media we are in danger of becoming stupid in our judgement of where to place our trust.”


Not coming to this café again…

A cactus and a succulent are creatively planted in teacups, displayed on a decorative tray.

Started reading: Cairn by Kathleen Jamie 📚

It’s possible that my childhood bedroom was a bit geeky.

A 1980s child’s bedroom with Star Wars wallpaper, an Empire Strikes Back duvet cover and a child in bed reading The Eagle comic.

🚨If you have old data in Google Analytics (version 3 / Universal Analytics), you only have until Monday to save it. 🚨

Here’s some suggestions for getting it safely exported and stored.

This is a fascinating experiment: use a newsletter to build a (paying) community, and once it’s large enough, launch a print magazine.

I’ll be watching this with interest.

Well, I didn’t have Rushi Sunak versus David Tennant on my bingo card for this election.

It’s easy enough to dismiss these birds [pigeons] as rats with wings, but if we hate them for their ubiquity, adaptive success and propensity to make life unpleasant for species that want to share their space, then maybe that’s just because they’re stealing our shtick.

— From Light Rains Sometimes Fall by Lev Parikian 📚

‘There’s no such thing as bad weather,’ Alfred Wainwright once said. ‘Only unsuitable clothing’ He was right, I suppose. Although possibly also a trifle smug.

— from Light Rains Sometimes Fall by Lev Parikian 📚

Cross-posting from micro.blog to Threads via the new API seems to be working perfectly. 👌🏼

Adult bullies are so much worse that child ones. They have much less excuse and no chance of “growing out of it”.

This is the person they have chosen to be.