Over the past two years, a set of massively popular podcasters and streamers cemented themselves as the new mainstream source of information for millions of young men, and, according to a new Bloomberg analysis, used their perch to rally these constituents in support of Trump and the political right.
There’s a new mainstream media and I don’t think journalism as a profession is anywhere near adjusting to this reality.
I am immensely sad that the situation around micro.blog has accelerated as far and as fast as it has. I’m disappointed that opportunities to de-escalate and resolve it have been missed. I’m gutted that people whose presence here I value have decided to move on.
I’m stepping away from the timeline for a wee while (although will probably be posting links and photos). I’ll let this long piece (posted elseblog, so as to not shove it too much into the face of the community here) about the broader issue of how we deal with problems online stand as my explanation of why.
Community Management
Micro.blog needs a community manager again. If it’s going to aspire to be a community, not just a platform, then community management is needed.
In a situation like we’ve just been through over the last couple of days, a community manager’s role would be to act, as far as possible, as a mediator between the community and @manton.
I know this won’t be a particularly welcome thought at a time when it looks like micro.blog’s income has just take a hit. (A number of people I follow have left, but I have no idea how widespread this is, a side-effect of the structures of micro.blog I value). But I think it’s the way forward.
I have written over 2,000 words inspired by, but addressing larger issues than, the current clash between micro.blog and omg.lol staff.
I’m not sure I’ll ever publish it. But I’m glad I wrote it, because it helps clarify my own thinking.
There’s a very good reason that witch hunts and lynch mobs are replaced with legal process, courts and standards of evidence and punishment in civilised societies.
It seems clear that we need to learn this lesson all over again online, if we’re to carry on forming meaningful communities there.
If I need something that does have answers that can be definitely wrong in important ways, and where I’m not an expert in the subject, or don’t have all the underlying data memorised and would have to repeat all the work myself to check it, then today, I can’t use an LLM for that at all.
We’re unprepared for computers that can be unpredictably wrong, because that’s not our pre-existing experience.
Two of my least favourite aspects of social media are witch-hunting individuals and guilt by association. If you’re going to go after someone’s livelihood, I suggest you come with the “receipts” (as the kids say).
(What’s the micro.blog version of subtweeting? Submicroing?)
The better the Apple product, the more shamelessly it gets copied. Apple should make Clips into an iOS video editing app that everyone rips off shamelessly.
My daughter’s friends refer to videos as “CapCuts” or “edits” (hence the name of the new Instagram editing app). That an entire form of media is associated with a firm’s product is profoundly worrying.
Silicon Valley and crypto culture’s embrace of Trump has changed his cultural meaning more than Democrats have recognized. In 2016, Trump felt like an emissary of the past; in 2025, he’s being greeted as a harbinger of the future.
Great analysis of why the current New Yorker cover is so powerful: 1000 words.
Today is Blue Monday, which is a myth, invented by the marketing team for a travel company.
Have a great, productive day! 😉
Watching the kids do HADO.

Started reading: The Year in the Countryside by Frances Pitt 📚
Just finished watching Skeleton Crew with the family.
Just the best Star Wars in years. Family-friendly but with enough of an edge of darkness to give it depth for the adults.
More please.
These are some lovely images of winter.
Rule #1: Never trust Facebook.
It’s been over 20 years. You’d think people would have learned this by now.