Well, the dinner was worth waiting for. Good food, good company and amazing deviancy, as Jim both revealed that he had semi-naked pictures of an ex-girlfriend with him and showed them around the table. After dinner we retired to the living room to play Trivial Pursuit. I won. Well, technically the boys beat the girls, but given that I got four of the wedge questions, and everyone wants me banned from playing next time, I suspect I was doing pretty well.

Things all get a bit drunken after that. There was a good amount of singing along to the Wurzels, and some more deviancy from Jim when he accidentally dropped his packed of ribbed condoms onto the floor while getting his fags out of his pocket. He was ribbed about that one all night. It aroused much humour in us. Etc. etc, etc.

Lorna and I crashed a little after midnight, but it sounds as if everyone else went on until late in the night.